Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Human Light Body


The Human Light Body

As human we are comprised of four bodies, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  These four bodies are interconnected and woven together creating our entire human being.  Our being is linked to all existence through our body of light.
 Our body of light is far greater in size than our physical body and is not limited nor constrained by our physical world.  This body is able to move through time and space connecting us to other dimensions of reality and other life forms that exist throughout Creation.
 Our Light Body holds the essence of our multidimensional self and in shifting our consciousness and accessing our Light Body we are able to move through different dimensions and to view other realities.  Through our Light Body we have the ability to access and to communicate with different dimensions for the purpose of our growth, learning and development. 
 For the most part this process of communication happens unconsciously or during our dream time.  But part of our evolutionary process involves building and integrating our Light Body into our Human forms.  In integrating our Human Light Body it will become possible for us to consciously access and communicate with other dimensions, gathering knowledge, wisdom and guidance.  By being conscious of the guidance and wisdom available to us, we will then be able to apply this knowledge within our own lives, healing ourselves, our world, and enabling us to progress further along the path of our Soul evolution.
 For many thousands of centuries, our lives have been controlled by the belief systems held within our societies and cultures.  These belief systems have become the blue print by which we create our own lives and our own realities.  We buy into the beliefs of others and recreate their reality thereby replicating the damage and destruction of humanity and our Earth.  All this recreating and replicating has created an energy pattern that has been grounded into the energy field of our Earth through us. 
 The original blue print for the Earth was one of peace, love and harmony between all living things.  That blue print still exists beneath the energy patterns and structures that we as human beings have initiated. 
 At some point in our history we allowed ourselves to think we were superior to all other life forms on this planet.  We allowed these thoughts to become the basis of our belief patterns and thus began our journey of separation and the grounding of these patterns into the energy field of our Earth. 
 Our Earth is a living, breathing energy field and as we walk upon Her body an energetic connection is formed between us and the Earth.  It is through this energetic connection that all our thoughts, feelings and creations are transferred, grounded and held in the energy field of the Earth.  It is this energy field that assists us in creating our physical reality.
 In creating our physical reality we tap into these energetic patterns of memory.  If these memories are of old, outdated and negative patterns we will have a very difficult time trying to create a life of love, peace and harmony.  We are all here on this Earth because we need to heal and to evolve and in order for us to do that we are required to change our patterns of belief, structure and behaviour. 
 As we evolve, grow and develop we begin to access our inner truth, held in the deeper aspects of ourselves.  As we uncover our inner truth we realize that our material world does not define who or what we are and our search for a deeper meaning to our life begins.  On this journey we discover that it is only through the Spirit that we can gain any understanding of what is occurring in our world.  With this understanding we are able to begin a process of healing; releasing old patterns of belief and behaviour and allowing our Spirit to guide our day to day life.
 As our connection to our Spirit strengthens we are able to tap into the true essence of ourselves, which at its core is an essence of love.  It is only through healing ourselves that we are able to tap into our essence of love and it is only through the love of self that we are able to pull light into our physical bodies, thereby activating, building and integrating our Light Body into our physical beings. 
 In connecting with our true essence of love and allowing that energy to be channeled through us, we are able to begin transforming the energy patterns held with in the Earth, allowing for the original blue print of love, peace and harmony to arise. 
 Accessing our true essence of love initiates changes in our molecular structure enabling us to begin building our Light Body.  As we build our Light Body we allow the healed aspects of ourselves to merge and combine with the love of our true essence thus allowing our physical body to hold more and more of our Light Body.
  Our task is to heal ourselves and merge all aspects of ourselves with our true essence, as we do so our challenges will gather force and our unhealed aspects will be brought to light, assisting us in healing any separations that we continue to carry.  This in turn will transform the energy patterns held within our Earth Mother enabling us to build and integrate our Light Body ultimately becoming the light and love of our true essence in Human form. 

1 comment:


    Unbeknownst to the conscious mind of man, there lies within each, an implantation of another reality that is the reality of the ascended man, the one who has been able to blend his consciousness with that of the higher dimensions of light. This resonance and its capacity to vibrate with the energy of universal and unconditional love will bring into being the 'Heavenly Jerusalem', which will not be a city as much as a state of consciousness and an awareness of being. Such will be the quality of life and consciousness within this plane that those who exist there will experience no want, and will know only peace and harmony in all respects.

    The transition to the state of consciousness known as the 'Heavenly Jerusalem' is not something that can be achieved by human effort alone. It depends primarily upon the absorption of the higher frequencies of light into a vehicle or vessel that is capable of resonating with these. A light of sufficient intensity must be present and must fuse with physical matter in such a way as to permit a direct translation of the human embodied self into the higher spheres of matter and vibration. To put it differently, the physical body that we recognize today will no longer be constructed in the same way in the time to come. It will be more light than matter, and more capable of receiving and merging with the higher energies of light than is possible at the present time. The infusion of physical matter with these higher energies will develop within each embodiment a new consciousness, and this consciousness will be at one and the same time a consciousness of physical reality, and a consciousness of the eternal.

    The capacity to live in this dual way will create within human experience a sense of life that has heretofore been known only to angels and to those who live within the higher realms of life. And yet this life will take place upon an earth that also has been transformed into a vibrating pulse of physical and non-physical light. This merging and unification of the physical and the spiritual will institute within human experience a transformed perception of the world and of life, and many who are present during this ascended time, will find themselves living in multiple realities, able to move in a smooth and harmonious way between dimensions.

    To achieve the manifestation of this heavenly city of consciousness is the great feat of expansion and completion for which the earth has been preparing during her entire history, and for which each of her inhabitants has also incarnated and moved through the evolutionary process. It is the ultimate joining of the physical and the spiritual that will erase duality, and bring to each consciousness the indelible knowledge of the unity of all within One consciousness – a knowledge that will be experiential and tangible rather than conceptual or theoretical.

    Over and over, the sound of praise shall pour forth from the human heart and from the walls of the city themselves, so that every cell that exists will vibrate with gratitude for life, and every cell that exists will be conscious of its existence and filled with the radiance of vibrant life. Those who are present in that time will be blessed and will receive the fruits of the earth's ultimate expression as a planetary being – her love and union with the souls of all in the presence of God and of the eternal.
