Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Energy of Love

Energy of Love

Be thankful this day for the Energy of Love.

Love is an unmistakable feeling. Love is more than just an emotion allowing us to express ourselves to each other. Love is an energy of emotion flowing through us to experience the totality of life as our higher self and for the good of ALL. Whenever there is a lack in our life, it is due to the lack of the energy of love. In order to overcome such ideas and thoughts, we have to pour love into the place of lack to create transformation. When creating transformation, we are bringing forth energies already there. The energies were just at one point unseen or felt. The energy of love allows us to see with an open heart and mind what was already there; it brings all into focus and a new awareness. How do we bring the energy of love into our life to bring about the desired transformation?

Love is a force and allows us to experience all earthly sensations. Love is the source of all other emotions. Love allows us to have courage, joy, grief, anger, sadness, peace and all the like. Without love we couldn't experience life as it should be. Yes life does seem difficult at times when we are learning our life lessons, yet it is love to see us through. It is the love of self, self-preservation, love of growing and evolving. We as spiritual beings are meant to grow and transform. I personally can't imagine staying the same person during my time on Earth. Our experience is the experience of others. We learn and share what we know from the place of love, because of our genuine care and concern for others. However, we limit ourselves to share what we know and assisting others to friends and family. Occasionally, we assist others we don't know from a connection or a loving feeling to help a stranger. We have an abundance of love on varying levels to share and experience. Love is a force making the world go round.

The love we carry for self and others is a natural one. It is our human brain getting in the way of experiencing the full levels of love. As toddlers, we only knew love and curiosity. We walked through life wanting to know what this was or how does that work and simply saying "mommy, daddy I love you." Then we expressed true unconditional love. Through the harsh lessons of life and conditioning of parents, we have lessened the feeling of love and reserve for those closest to us. When we withhold such powerful emotions and stay guarded, who do we hurt the most? Self. We don't ever want to feel rejected, hurt or pain again so we decide to unplug and turn off all receptors. Love is for everyone, yes it will take time to heal and undo the conditioned work of past generations, but it can be done. We are moving towards a more harmonious, loving place with Self and Universe. Love is independent and is limitless.

Sit for a moment and remember how it feels to love and be love, without fear. Feel the warm sensation, the loving embrace of a loved one, notice the unbridled joy and unconditional love given and received. One love is all love. This is a sensation and energy already known to us as spiritual beings. Love is honest and brings clarity to any situation when present. Sometimes we do and say things in the name of love, but is it really? Do we do and say things for our own selfish reason. I would be one to admit at times, yes. However while in the moment we are not aware of such things, because we are feeding our ego, by giving what it craves. Sometimes being human, we latch on a certain sensations or situations to continuously feed the ego, when we are thinking we are feeding the soul. In time we learn the difference between the two. With love there is a natural flow and all things are preformed effortlessly. With love there is no second thought, there just is. Yes we do get upset when our love is not returned, because we put a condition on it. When love is performed with pure intention; it's unconditional and removes all expectations. So now what do we do... Just be!

When we are whole with self and one with the Creator, then we come to an understanding of love. This understanding is different for everyone; however the energy of love is the same. We can't expect others to feel what we feel, yet we shouldn't let it get in the way of expressing our true loving nature. We are innately spiritually loving beings. We love more than we lead on. Allow your spirit to be open in receiving and giving love at your comfort level and grow. Your life will transform when you are in a natural flow of love energy. Pour love into every situation, thought, idea, and action. Be who you are already, a loving being with a lot love to give. Remember love is abundant!

Be thankful this day and everyday for the energy of love transforming your life.
Be thankful this day and everyday for the many sensations love brings us.
Be thankful this day and everyday for the natural expression of love.
I'm Not Done
(Dedicated to my dear friend Quincy)

Looking at adversity in the face
seeking mercy
relief from the anguish

Understanding why the enduring pain lingers
making the choice to learn the lesson presented to endure

Living through self
being a witness to attest the challenges
creating a new outcome

Cutting loose the excess
leaving debris
a whole new entity to please self

Waking from haunting dreams and lost memories
finding out who am I
I'm not done

A new path of discovery
leading to an evolved Soul
now in control

It takes a little to be a lot
true self
a spark
a light
a force of wielding energy

Make a difference to be
to know
to feel the source of self

I'm not done growing
I'm not done evolving
I'm not done
I'm  an ever glowing light making a difference

I'm filled with the tenacity
I endure all
I am a storm of change
I'm not done
I am here

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Human Light Body


The Human Light Body

As human we are comprised of four bodies, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  These four bodies are interconnected and woven together creating our entire human being.  Our being is linked to all existence through our body of light.
 Our body of light is far greater in size than our physical body and is not limited nor constrained by our physical world.  This body is able to move through time and space connecting us to other dimensions of reality and other life forms that exist throughout Creation.
 Our Light Body holds the essence of our multidimensional self and in shifting our consciousness and accessing our Light Body we are able to move through different dimensions and to view other realities.  Through our Light Body we have the ability to access and to communicate with different dimensions for the purpose of our growth, learning and development. 
 For the most part this process of communication happens unconsciously or during our dream time.  But part of our evolutionary process involves building and integrating our Light Body into our Human forms.  In integrating our Human Light Body it will become possible for us to consciously access and communicate with other dimensions, gathering knowledge, wisdom and guidance.  By being conscious of the guidance and wisdom available to us, we will then be able to apply this knowledge within our own lives, healing ourselves, our world, and enabling us to progress further along the path of our Soul evolution.
 For many thousands of centuries, our lives have been controlled by the belief systems held within our societies and cultures.  These belief systems have become the blue print by which we create our own lives and our own realities.  We buy into the beliefs of others and recreate their reality thereby replicating the damage and destruction of humanity and our Earth.  All this recreating and replicating has created an energy pattern that has been grounded into the energy field of our Earth through us. 
 The original blue print for the Earth was one of peace, love and harmony between all living things.  That blue print still exists beneath the energy patterns and structures that we as human beings have initiated. 
 At some point in our history we allowed ourselves to think we were superior to all other life forms on this planet.  We allowed these thoughts to become the basis of our belief patterns and thus began our journey of separation and the grounding of these patterns into the energy field of our Earth. 
 Our Earth is a living, breathing energy field and as we walk upon Her body an energetic connection is formed between us and the Earth.  It is through this energetic connection that all our thoughts, feelings and creations are transferred, grounded and held in the energy field of the Earth.  It is this energy field that assists us in creating our physical reality.
 In creating our physical reality we tap into these energetic patterns of memory.  If these memories are of old, outdated and negative patterns we will have a very difficult time trying to create a life of love, peace and harmony.  We are all here on this Earth because we need to heal and to evolve and in order for us to do that we are required to change our patterns of belief, structure and behaviour. 
 As we evolve, grow and develop we begin to access our inner truth, held in the deeper aspects of ourselves.  As we uncover our inner truth we realize that our material world does not define who or what we are and our search for a deeper meaning to our life begins.  On this journey we discover that it is only through the Spirit that we can gain any understanding of what is occurring in our world.  With this understanding we are able to begin a process of healing; releasing old patterns of belief and behaviour and allowing our Spirit to guide our day to day life.
 As our connection to our Spirit strengthens we are able to tap into the true essence of ourselves, which at its core is an essence of love.  It is only through healing ourselves that we are able to tap into our essence of love and it is only through the love of self that we are able to pull light into our physical bodies, thereby activating, building and integrating our Light Body into our physical beings. 
 In connecting with our true essence of love and allowing that energy to be channeled through us, we are able to begin transforming the energy patterns held with in the Earth, allowing for the original blue print of love, peace and harmony to arise. 
 Accessing our true essence of love initiates changes in our molecular structure enabling us to begin building our Light Body.  As we build our Light Body we allow the healed aspects of ourselves to merge and combine with the love of our true essence thus allowing our physical body to hold more and more of our Light Body.
  Our task is to heal ourselves and merge all aspects of ourselves with our true essence, as we do so our challenges will gather force and our unhealed aspects will be brought to light, assisting us in healing any separations that we continue to carry.  This in turn will transform the energy patterns held within our Earth Mother enabling us to build and integrate our Light Body ultimately becoming the light and love of our true essence in Human form. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Welcome to Live in Light!

Welcome to Live in Light!
Dedicated to Spiritual Truth, Knowing and Practice.

OUR MISSION:  To bring LIGHT into this world through Spiritual Truth, Knowing and Practice. 

The world is covered with a blanket of darkness saturated with pollution.  Pollution of Mind, Body and Spirit.  Through Spiritual Truth we can begin to pierce the darkness.  Through Spiritual Truth we can begin to lift the oppressive weight of the false and ignorant teachings currently accepted as truth.  However, awareness of Spiritual Truth by and of itself is not enough to bring LIGHT into this world.

Through Knowing we can begin to embrace and absorb Spiritual Truth into our lives.  Through Knowing we can evolve from mere awareness, to accepting and believing.  Once we reach Knowing of Spiritual Truth, we can evolve to a level of Practice.

Only through the Practice of Spiritual Truth can we truly manifest the LIGHT therein.  Without the Practice of Spiritual Truth, this world will continue to descend into greater depths of polluted darkness.  We know with the Knowing and Practice of Spiritual Truth this world can transcend these depths of darkness and once again ascend to the realm of LIGHT